Friday, July 31, 2009

Why is my younger brother being such a lazy slob?

Lately my 18 year old brother has beeeeeeeeen sooooooooooooo lazy. I mean you ask him to do something he acts like he doesn't hear you. My mom told him last saturday to clean the bathroom and he hasn't done it yet. His room is a disaster area you can smell it all the way done stairs and it smells like a**. He lives his shoes and coat everywhere! He is always late for school and his professor is to the point of dropping him. He always hangs out my cousins house every single day and my cousin is 28 mind you. My brother can't even take out the garbage. I don't know whats wrong with him. I mean i don't know if its because his girlfriend broke up with 2months ago. But his laziness is getting to be stressful because he is not dependable at all. I try my best to help my mother clean because she has rheumatiod arthritis and she gets so irritated she bursts into tears. I clean the house sometimes from top to bottom because we have 6 bedroom house and its hard. What should we do?

Why is my younger brother being such a lazy slob?
Let him move in with cousin! You can go into his room and haul all of the crap out of it and clean it, then put a lock on the door. You and Mom don't need to suffer from his filth. He is taking advantage of you by dumping all the chores on you. Best of luck to you! Support Mom in telling him to help out or leave.
Reply:cause he is younger than u. i think u must guide him. u are so wise than him.
Reply:Kick him out...he is 18
Reply:Give him a warning then send him on his way.
Reply:Kick him out
Reply:It sounds like he could be suffering from depression. Can your mom get him to a therapist? That might help.


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