Friday, July 31, 2009

R these shoe ok to wear in public?

last time i asked this ever1 said it was ugly LOL i just want to no if u can wear it in public or not. THX

R these shoe ok to wear in public?
It looks like a comfy slipper. I would not wear it outside myself.
Reply:just pray that it wldnt rain.

if not the shoes wld be ruined.
Reply:Who gives a damn if others think it's cool or not. Today I went to the store in my blue cloud and green dragonfly pj bottoms, my grey old navy shirt and a pair of white flip flops! It's all about comfort! and the shoes aren't bad at all. If you like them...wear them...screw what other ppl say!
Reply:do you know how many people wear ugly things in public???

have you seen how many people wear Uggs and Crocs?

your shoes look nicer than those!!!
Reply:You can wear whatever you want in public. However, these are houseshoes and I certainly wouldn't try to wear them as much more than that. If you don't care, then go ahead and wear them to run errands and stuff like that. But I wouldn't wear them to dinner or out on the town for sure.
Reply:I think they are slippers so no. I wouldn't wear them in public. However, if you are over the age of 80 then maybe an exception can be made....
Reply:They're not my style... but who cares what other people think? I've worn shoes before that I was in love with, but most of my friends thought were hideous... but I wore them anyway. When I was a college kid living in the dorms, I wore my houseshoes across campus to the cafeteria... I got weird looks, but my feet were happy :)

On the upside, those shoes look extremely comfy!
Reply:I think they would look cute with jeans. They kinda look like slippers. But they also look super comfy.

skin tone

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