Friday, July 31, 2009

Popping Blisters?

I wore out really high shoes last night, and I have a blister on my foot now. I popped it with a pin and all this watery stuff came out. What is this watery stuff? Where did it come from? Whats it made of?

Popping Blisters?
The fluid is predominantly lymph. It is the clear fluid that circulates in your lymphatic system. Hopefully you sterilized the needle first in your personal autoclave, otherwise using some source of heat or purell.

If the blister is in a spot that receives a lot of action, like your heel or the soul of your foot, popping it is a wise strategy. Blisters like these are likely to pop anyway, and if they do so in an uncontrolled fashion you may tear the skin and wind up with a more painful, and likely to be infected, ex-blister.

Here’s the blister popping drill: Clean the blister with soap and water or purell. Sterilize the needle. Pop the blister. Squeeze out the fluid. Re-clean the site. Pat dry. Apply antibiotic ointment. Apply a Blister Block Band-Aid, or similar product.
Reply:It is serum and you should not pop blisters as they become open to infection

You should cover them and keep them clean until the new skin underneath has a chance to surface.
Reply:It's just fluids your body holds to keep you hydrated. Don't peel the skin away from that since you already popped it! It will hurt like no other! Put a bandaid over it now and that will help to keep from bumping it. Or if you wear any shoes the bandaid will help.
Reply:The watery stuff is lymph, water, and white blood cells. They come from the rest of your body...basically when any injury occurs, various parts of your immune system mobilize to treat the injury. Scabs are an example of this.

Now that you've punctured it, put some disinfectant on it and a bandage. It's gonna suck if it gets infected.
Reply:the link shows you how to care for the blister
Reply:you shouldn't pop the blisters but since you already did, leave the skin intact and put so Neosporin on it and cover with a bandaid for a few days (change the bandaid daily and put more Neosporin on it each time)
Reply:put a plaster over it. or you will get an infection which can spread through your body then it will turn into an abscess then the doctors wont be able to stop it then you will die. so never pop vlisters =]
Reply:It's puss and guts.
Reply:It is blood plasma. It normally filters out of your capillaries, fills the tissue around them for nutrients, and to helps fight infections.

In most cases, it is best not to pop a blister since you could get an infection. If it is in an area though where there is danger of it getting popped and ripped off, then you might want to pop it. Sterilize a needle or lance by heating with a flame or wiping with alcohol. Sterilize the skin around the blister too (Not with flame). Make a small hole on the side near the skin and drain. You may want to pack with a sterile gauze pad. After draining, cover it to protect the skin from being torn and keep it clean until it heals You can also get pads from the pharmacy to help cushion it until it heals.
Reply:If you slept with a guy it probably just ran down your leg


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