Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do I need new running shoes?

I got my runnign shoes last June to help my sister train for her high schools swim team. We ran very short amounts until like October. Then I stopped running. The first week of March I started training for the Mad-City 1/2 Marathon. I still am. Today I ran nine miles, the highest I've ran so far (previous record was eight), and my knees hurt incredibly and so does my back. Also, I commonly bloody up the backs of them with blisters. Are my shoes going to last until May 27? Because now is the time to get new shoes if I am going to need them. And any ideas where this sudden pains came from?? Your help appreciated!

Do I need new running shoes?
yes you should get new running shoes. running shoes should be changed every 500 miles and with ur running and any walking done in them im sure theyve reached 500 from the last year your had them. the knee/back problem is probabily coming from your running when you pound on the ground it can really effect your knees i recomend running on the grass or some other soft surface for awhile (maybe even elliptical machine if its avalible) the blisters are from rubbing against the back of your shoes so it could be a shoe/sock problem or the shoes cushion back there being worn out and starting to rub against the back of your foot.

you should get new ones before May 27.
Reply:running shoes usually only can take about 30-40 miles on them.

I think you need new ones.
Reply:i think you just shocked your feet by not running very much then running alot in a newer pair of shoes. i suggest building up to your desired distance at a slower pace than to blame the pain on the shoes. shoes are guaranteed to last a seasons worth of activities, and if they don't hold up, bring them back for a refund.
Reply:i would try not to wear those shoes for a while and try some other sneakers and see what happens. if the pain is still there go to the doctor, if it's gone then throw out or donate those old shoes.
Reply:i think you need new shoes. my brother ran in a similar pattern to yours. he also had sudden pains that he'd never had before. he needed new shoes, and he was fine. also, make sure that they are good running shoes. see if the soles are destroyed. if you can bend the shoe in half (bringing the toe to the heel), then you definitely need new shoes.
Reply:You could need inserts in your shoes. I ran for a couple of years before my knees started to really hurt. I had to get inserts, and now it's a lot better. If your feet aren't landing correctly and the impacts of hitting the ground isn't distributed evenly it can hurt your knees and your back because it isn't aligned correctly. If your shoes don't fit right, either because you need inserts or another reason, your feet may slide around in your shoes more and cause blisters. You could just try wearing thicker socks or put something on the back of your feet like blister band aids.


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